Curious about Supply Chain Valley’s mission and strategy? Read more here.

Our strategy

Collaboration is Supply Chain Valley’s motto. The conviction is that certain themes can be tackled more effectively together than alone. That applies to topics like sustainability, the labour market, energy transition, digitalisation, innovation, region branding, infrastructure, accessibility and mobility. By tackling these (and other themes) together, value is added for all affiliated companies, know-how is increased, the position of all stakeholders strengthened and the physical environment improved.

That is achieved by working on projects together, but also through training courses, workshops, webinars, meetings and exchanges. All relevant organisations in the field of supply chain management, logistics and mobility work together at Supply Chain Valley, leaving plenty of room for their own activities within a healthy infrastructure.

Our vision

Companies in the region that form part of Supply Chain Valley work on themes drawing on the support of education and the government. The wider environment is also involved in Supply Chain Valley. A joint as opposed to an individual strategy allows certain themes to be tackled even more effectively. Themes like (for example) sustainability, digitalisation, innovation and strengthening of the labour market. As companies, by thinking about and working on these themes, in collaboration with public authorities, educational institutions and the wider environment, more solutions, but also superior solutions, can undoubtedly be achieved. Supply Chain Valley develops and reflects on strategies, addresses both opportunities and threats, and forges partnerships that strengthen, offer insights and set developments in motion.

North Limburg is conveniently located on key national and international freight transport corridors. Limburg is one of the few regions in the Netherlands that is connected by all transportation modes (road, water, rail, air and pipelines). Manufacturing and agro-food are two other sectors in which the North Limburg region excels (as well as the Logistics sector). These sectors benefit from and contribute to the region’s Supply Chain ecosystem.

Quattro Helix

In terms of Supply Chain Valley, the ‘Quattro Helix’ is understood to mean the cooperation and interaction between companies, public authorities, educational and knowledge institutions and the wider environment. All parts of the organisation have an active role to play as a ‘transmitter’ and ‘receiver’. Only then can the full potential of the synergy be realised. Together, we define the strategy for maintaining and strengthening the region in terms of supply chain management,

related activities and shared interests. The primary objective is value creation. The supply chain interconnects the logistics and agro-food sectors and the manufacturing industry in the North Limburg region and Euroregion. The Quattro Helix collaboration makes Supply Chain Valley stronger in terms of thinking and implementation capacity, we also make every effort to retain our own identity and we achieve more and greater results.


Supply Chain Valley is an initiative of the business community. Companies in the logistics, and agro-food sectors and the manufacturing industry are therefore also the lifeblood within Supply Chain Valley’s ecosystem. Companies in these sectors logically pursue common interests and can reinforce one another in a wide variety of areas, for example, by exchanging expertise and knowledge. The companies also actively seek to connect and cooperate with other participants within the Quattro Helix, to create an optimal climate for everyone within Supply Chain Valley’s ecosystem.


Supply Chain Valley wants to capitalise fully on the strength and value of knowledge and knowledge sharing; after all, sharing means multiplying. Knowledge sharing will therefore be firmly embedded in the DNA of Supply Chain Valley, allowing companies and the wider environment to reap the benefits of that. Supply Chain Valley works closely with various knowledge institutions. Research and findings from higher education and scientific education can (and shall) be applied when addressing themes like sustainability. Knowledge institutions and Supply Chain Valley work together intensively on the substance of projects. At Supply Chain Valley, students can follow learning pathways and participate in internships.


The environment is paramount for Supply Chain Valley; its relationship with the environment must be good, and remain good. We therefore strive to communicate clearly with the environment. Supply Chain Valley also wants to contribute to the quality of life in the region. Anyone who chooses a career at Supply Chain Valley can expect a good living and working environment, but also a healthy climate, proper training and an abundance of leisure facilities. Supply Chain Valley wants to take social responsibility for, enter into dialogue with, but also play an active role in the ups and down of that environment. This could be through sponsoring, but also through active involvement in initiatives within the environment.

The government

The government plays a facilitating role within Supply Chain Valley’s Quattro Helix. Supply Chain Valley not only wants to utilise the facilities offered by the government, but also wants to support these where it can. The approach always focuses on collaboration. The government also fulfils a guiding role. Policy is defined by the national government and then translated into regional policy by provinces and municipalities. Supply Chain Valley works towards a constructive relationship with all layers within government. Mutual understanding is of significant importance when implementing government policy.

Building blocks

These are the cornerstones, or the building blocks, on which Supply Chain Valley is founded. Social issues that we currently face are addressed by these 11 building blocks. Through the Supply Chain Valley collaboration, these major social themes can be tackled based on a joint vision and approach. Read more about the Supply Chain Valley Building Blocks.


Focuses on bringing about improvements in the Food Supply Chain through crossovers with logistics and the manufacturing industry.

Collaboration of Public Authorities and Governments

Concludes working arrangements with local, regional, national and European governments based on relevant themes.

Collaboration with Knowledge Institutions

Represents the educational institutions and seeks to foster effective cooperation between education and the business community.

Infrastructure & Modal Shift

Focuses on mobilising and motivating companies to innovate in infrastructure and contribute to the modal shift.

Innovation & Digitalisation

Contributes to increasing the innovative strengths of businesses that form part of Supply Chain Valley.

International Collaboration

Concentrates on developing international collaboration with trading partner Germany.

Labour Market & Human Capital

Bridges the gap between businesses in the region, public authorities and knowledge institutions.

Region Branding & Marketing

Is responsible for branding and building the ‘Supply Chain Valley’ brand.


Champions sustainability within Supply Chain Valley.

Young Professionals

Focuses on the recruitment, retention and development of Young Professionals in the region.


Our location

Supply Chain Valley - Venlo

The Innovation Hub of Supply Chain Valley

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