This building block concentrates on developing international collaboration with important trading partner Germany. Opportunities lie mainly in the Kreis Viersen district, which is adjacent to Supply Chain Valley. The building block aims at an intensive cross-border collaboration. In addition, attention is paid to exchanging knowledge and expertise with German companies and knowledge institutions. Collaboration is very definitely the keyword.
The ‘International Collaboration’ building block concludes working arrangements with local, regional and national public authorities, and European governments, based on relevant themes. Policy documents produced by local authorities and governments are translated into plain language. The aim of the building block is to (be able to) engage in a structural dialogue with the different public authorities and governments. Commitment of the involved parties based on relevant themes with shared value cases is an important aspect of this.
Quote Armin Moller, chairperson “International Collaboration” building block
“Sharing knowledge, working together and engaging in an open dialogue with our international neighbours make Supply Chain Valley an even stronger focal point in logistics, and the supply chain of the agro-food sector and manufacturing industry!”